Welcome to new members of the group
Welcome to Sofia Daouadji from ENSTA Paristech who is here for the summer undertaking a biogeochemistry internship. Sofia will analyse sediments from traps in Loch Brora to consider the source of the sediment.
Welcome also to Beatriz Marins, from the University of Sao Paulo Brazil, who is on an exchange year at the University of Glasgow. Beatriz will research the spatial variability in fluvial TOC concentrations in mesoscale catchment, lower reaches urbanised, and discharging to the Clyde estuary.
A belated welcome to Amira Elayouty, our new PhD student funded through the UoG sensor initiative that I am co-supervising with good colleagues Prof. Marian Scott and Dr. Claire Miller from the School of Mathematics and Statistics. More information about Amira’s research on the People webpage.