Fieldwork in Malaysia over; sample analysis awaits
Dr. Leena Vihermaa and I are now packing up to return from a busy field campaign in Malaysia (20/7-4/8/2013). Here we joined collaborators Dr. Stephanie Evers (ex Carbon Landscapes alumni, now UNMC) and Dr Rory. Padfield (UTM) to visit current and relict peatlands subject to disturbance for resource extraction. Our role was, through sampling, to offer training in collecting samples for identifying the source of C in fluvial drainage systems, and in measuring gas efflux (carbon dioxide and methane) and corresponding aqueous concentrations. It has been hot, sticky and dirty, and both equipment and operators suffered some heat-related malfunction… but hopefully there will be a good pilot data set to inform further research bids. Until piccies are loaded on this web page, check out the twitter account where you can see some images.