New grants in 2014

Finally I have found the time to add information about three new grants awarded this year. The NERC Radiocarbon Facility awards are to support  the research of Hazel (PhD student) and Leena (UKLEON PDRA) and will generate ages of CO2 degassed from Greenland glacial meltwater (how exciting!) and of dissolved CO2 in lakes of differing nutrient status – we are testing a new technique here.

The EPSRC award is to create a network as part of  EPSRC’s Living With Environmental Change theme. The lead PI is Prof. Marian Scott of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Glasgow. The network will bring together data providers and researchers from the environmental sciences with the statistical community to improve decision support tools for environmental change forecast. To make this happen, we will fund feasibility projects, sandpits and workshops.


Would you like to do research within this group?

We are always interested in supporting interested researchers in securing funding to come and do research within our group. Please contact Susan Waldron to discuss further.

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