SAGES Theme 2 Newsletter
Susan is co-lead (with Kate Heal) of the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES) Theme 2 – Terrestrial Carbon.
Click to open the latest (June 2012) edition of the SAGES Theme 2 Newsletter June 2012
Click to open the October 2011 edition of the SAGES Theme 2 Newsletter
If you would like to contribute to the next edition of the SAGES Theme 2 Newsletter please get in contact.
Job Opportunity
An 18 month post-doctoral research position exists within the Carbon Landscape Research Group to analyse the effect of meteorology on the fate of carbon within lakes using sensor data collected within UKLEON, the United Kingdom Lake Ecological Observatory Network. Job ref 002514. For further information click here: Please contact Susan if you wish to discuss this further.
New website
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website, built by Martin Muir: Webdesign. Martin is a specialist in creating websites for academic and non-profit organisations building on his experience in these areas. You can find out more by visiting his site.